We put together a compilation of 10 tips each focused on Mindset. Individual experts deliver one very insightful tip – the whole video is less than 10 minutes so it is very to the point as well as being very powerful.
The Experts featured are:
0:00 BELIEFS Umar Hameed
01:35 RESISTANCE Nicole Laino
02:40 OBSERVING Kevin Cottam
03:34 BE INTENTIONAL Dr. Nadia Brown
04:22 INPUTS John Golden
04:54 SELF RESPECT – Ryann Dowdy
05:41 SUBCONSCIOUS – Fabienne Fredrickson
07:14 SERVICE – Farnoosh Brock
07:52 AUTHENTICITY – Jason Forrest
08:24 SCARCITY – Michelle Tillis Lederman
Plus you can click on any of the above Experts to see their profile and their full-length interviews, posts, books, and more!