Having a consistent stream of leads coming in is as important to a company as its revenue, for in the end there won’t be any revenue if lead generation—inbound or outbound—isn’t happening. Some companies (relatively few these days) only cold-call for leads—but most are always seeking additional ways to reach their prospective customers and cause them ...
Managing and building strong customer relationships is key to acquiring and retaining customers for any business. Read this case study made by Baylor Business Collaboratory to learn more:
Without a constant stream of fresh leads, you’re going to struggle to hit your sales targets this year. So how can you attract enough new enquiries to your business to ensure your sales teams have enough opportunities to follow up? Well, you can start by avoiding these 12 deadly lead generation mistakes…
Lead generation is a primary activity of any company, for without leads there are no sales. Not only do marketing departments (and in some cases sales forces directly) pay very sharp attention to lead generation internally, but to the outside sourcing of them as well. The provision of quality lead generation is a million-dollar business ...
A very popular movie amongst salespeople is the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross, a tightly dramatic examination of several veteran salespeople struggling to keep their jobs. One chord is struck with any salesperson who’s ever seen this film: It’s all about the sales leads. A generous portion of the story is wrapped around these sales ...
Looking for a new CRM system for your company? Define your terms first! If you would argue with me, first define your terms! This famous challenge was first made by French philosopher Voltaire way back in the seventeenth century, yet it finds complete applicability today—especially when it comes to the specification and selection of sales ...
Sales reps often complain that traditional, cumbersome CRM systems benefit sales management, not the sales force. What the reps can’t see—simply because they are not there—is that sales management is suffering because of these CRM systems also. Due to sheer numbers of personnel, transactions and demands, a sales manager’s job can be seriously complex and ...
One important reason to invest in a CRM system, is to increase the efficiency of your sales process. As you know, with the right CRM, you can manage your contacts, track prospects as they move through your pipeline and access analytics and management tools to plug leaks and drive sales. What’s more, because most modern ...
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