While preparing for a recent corporate training workshop, I recommended to the company’s management team that we conduct a pre-survey with their participants. The results pointed to two critical sales issues that you cannot afford to ignore. The company’s management team asked, “Why do we need to do a survey? We know what issues we ...
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, stated: “How you manage information determines whether you win or lose.” When improving decision making in a business, we need to understand the difference between data and information to define our data quality goals. Data and information are not the same–and they should not be confused. Just What Is Data? ...
You may have heard of the mushroom syndrome. It’s where you’re basically kept in the dark and fed — well, let’s just say — fertilizer. The mushroom syndrome as it applies to management is often called “mushroom management.” Unfortunately, it is more common than we’d like to believe– and can be disastrous A fantastic example ...
Daniel Newman explores new ways to demonstrate the ROI of Marketing efforts. In Marketing, the job starts and ends with the goal of creating customers. However, in a world gone social where mobile, big data, and 24×7 availability of technology rule the roost, brands need a new method for measuring their marketing return on investment ...
“. . . There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”—Donald Rumsfeld Rummy sure has a way with ...
The Sales Manager is the most important position in a sales force. They are the connective tissue between the strategy and tactics to execute that strategy. Sales management coaching and development is critical to your ability to make the number. Do you have a Sales Management Development Program? Do you ignore developing them and coaching ...
Every time I turn around, there are potentially awkward situations for small talk. Get-togethers, cocktail hours, new coworkers at lunch, etc. — the small talk opportunities are everywhere. If you find yourself less than excited about these encounters, here are a few tips to help: 1. Make the first move — Hand out, smile on, ...
I had the good fortune to be a guest on a recent #SalesEU Twitter Chat and Hangout On Air hosted by Martha Neumeister and Richard Young in which we discussed the topic of sales hacking. The conversation spanned social selling, tools, and methods (i.e. hacks) for salespeople to accomplish more with less. What sparked the ...
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