The pace of delivery services has increased in the trying times of the pandemic. But they were already on a steady rise. Now, people have grown accustomed to deliveries. So this trend will continue in the future for all retail and other businesses. Independent delivery services may also make it big in the coming days. ...
The impacts of COVID-19 on business have been unprecedented – unemployment rates are soaring, businesses are dramatically changing their business models in a shift towards online-focused customer interaction, and more and more operations are becoming automated. With this significant shift in B2B behavior and working trends, sales management is an area of business that requires ...
8 Tips for Managing Remote Sales Team Let’s face it: Because of the on-set of the coronavirus pandemic, more and more businesses are now forced to adapt in a remote work environment. This can be quite challenging for salespeople who aren’t used to selling remotely, as its quite different from doing it in person. But ...
Every parent wants his/her kids to succeed in life. Study hard and have a good living with no regrets. Having an intelligent child is what parents wish. If your child is smart and getting good grades, that alone should not make you extra happy. Intelligence is no longer the way to have a promising future. ...
Getting Crystal Clear One of the most important parts of influencing a potential customer is to be very specific and be very crystal clear. Often times, we operate in vagueries and have unspecific or otherwise broad outcomes that we promote. This doesn’t really serve you, or the customer, it only serves to clutter your argument. ...
“Can you imagine what the world would be like if women who constitute almost half of the global population had access to education and opportunities and were allowed to contribute their best? We would achieve prosperity globally in all spheres.” ―Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D., #HeForShe Women encounter several challenges to establish and become successful. Mostly ...
In dealing with people—something a sales manager certainly must do—the first thing you must admit is just how difficult it is to change people. Ask yourself: Have you ever tried to really change someone? Then ask yourself: Did you succeed? If you answered “Yes,” great! But the vast majority would answer “no” to this second ...
CRM Administration has become its own cottage industry over the years – with expensive certifications and all-powerful administrators demanding large salaries and often even support staff. This has somewhat taken control over the CRM away from those working in the business everyday, (i.e. sales managers and other sales support staff). At Pipeliner we take the ...
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