Continuing our series on Pipeliner concepts, let’s now look its completely unique product and price lists feature. Pipeliner is the only CRM offering that allows you to create an extremely flexible product list—one in which you can attach products to different pipelines and product lines. Categories To start with, you need to create product categories ...
The impact of technology on our lives is undeniable. Even the fact that you are reading these words right now is a testament to how technologically advanced our society has become. New technological inventions are constantly being used in fields like healthcare and science, and we all live better lives for it. Nevertheless, some of ...
Many people dream about working and making money from home. They wouldn’t have to waste time or finances commuting or driving from one location to another, nor would they have to deal with their boss peering over their shoulder. However, working from home is not possible in all fields. So, if your current job does ...
In our tradition of naming versions of our software after landmark works of science throughout the ages, our latest is named for Johannes Kepler. Kepler was a 17th-century mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and natural philosopher, and a leading light in the 17th-century scientific revolution. Kepler mathematically proved the earlier heliocentric theory of Copernicus—that the sun, not ...
College is a time for students to make plans for their future, including finances. Today, people no longer enter the job market long after completing their higher education. In today’s technological and competitive environment, machines and robots perform much of the work. Students have to outperform them to make their mark. So, like any other ...
The crypto marketplace gets quite complex, as it has thousands of options to buy, sell, trade, and exchange. The crypto scalping strategies show that all coins have different values, and the volatility factor makes things even more daunting. Even seasoned traders can experience overwhelming stress, let alone beginners. But the opportunity makes the risk worthwhile ...
Few business professionals launch companies without caring much about profitability. In fact, new business owners often choose to go into specific industries because they are most concerned about maximizing profits. Sure, business owners also often happen to have a passion for the businesses they are in, but the ultimate goal is still to maximize sales. ...
Each year, an increasing number of people are slowly transitioning to the forex market from its more traditional counterparts like the stock market. The foreign exchange market offers a lot of benefits not to mention associated risks for knowledgeable traders who know their way around forex trading strategies. But it is impossible to master everything ...
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