When you are starting a business, you may work from your home and use your personal vehicle for work. But as you begin to grow, you’ll start to realize you may need more people to do the job. You’ll also probably notice your home doesn’t give you enough space. A growing business is a good ...
In the past, we have explored the topic of navigation in-depth. But this was only one type of navigation—toward those factors or destinations that had already been discovered. What about factors or destinations that have not yet been discovered? Finding things you already know is easy, especially given today’s navigation technology. Or, in the case ...
If you read our previous two articles, The Fundamental Error of Approach in Today’s Sales and Theory and Practice of Pipeliner, you’ll clearly see that Pipeliner CRM is not simply a mechanical application—it has a clear theory and purpose behind it. We created Pipeliner because we are in the midst of a great societal transformation ...
I taught a Selling class at Loyola University Maryland and many of the students were shocked when they saw the syllabus, which indicated that participation was 50% of their grade. I always promised my students that I would focus on what was truly important in the real world of selling, not what was chronicled in ...
In a previous article, we discussed the fact that sales have become a purely mechanical proposition, lacking real theory. Technology exists simply to turn salespeople into workers without responsibility and self-determination. Pipeliner CRM, on the other hand, is rooted deeply in the Austrian School of Economics theory. It says that sales must have a human ...
As an executive, you’re likely concerned with transitioning your employees back into office life. But don’t forget to take care of your own transition, which will help your staff since you’ll lead by example. If you live and work in one of the best cities for walking, preparing to return to the office can be ...
Today’s sales scenario is, to say the least, baffling. We have more books on sales than ever, along with unheard-of numbers of sales seminars and an amazing amount of sales training. Yet sales closing rates remain stagnant—80 percent of salespeople fail, and salespeople only last 18 months on a given job. It was certainly not ...
Being the salesperson companies desire is no easy task, especially with vast differences in the company culture. Never assume a sale; work for it instead is the motto, but for a moment, let’s assume you like your place of work and you want to be a likable salesperson. The ultimate goal of a business is ...
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