What is a sales target? A sales target is a goal set for a salesperson or sales department measured in revenue or units sold for a specific time. Here is the complete definition of a sales target as found on Business Dictionary.com. Setting up sales targets help keep you and your sales team focused on achieving ...
Explore the new role for the sales force in sales management and how the CRM is changing the role of the salesforce. As discussed in our previous blog posting, business has traditionally followed a military “top-down” model. It was only the people at the top making decisions; everyone else was simply expected to follow orders. ...
Companies today are abandoning the military-style corporate model that has been prominent since the end of World War II, in which only the leaders are expected to have ideas and others below them are simply expected to follow orders. This change is being felt in all quarters of an organization, and specifically in the sales ...
Are you wondering how to improve your sales force learning curve? Are you happy with how you are your sales force doing? As we’ve been pointing out, a continuing education to improve sales force learning curve—through practical means such as tips and tricks from proven sales experts, videos and even seminars—can mean the difference between relatively ...
When you contact a company to inquire about their product or service, who do you expect to get on the other end of a phone, chat or email line? It’s a simple answer: an expert whom you can trust. You want someone who is going to anticipate your needs, have certain, knowledgeable answers to your ...
It has been realized in the last few years that a CRM solution needs to be much more than a customer relationship synchronization tool for a company. It must empower a sales force so that it can control and manage its pipelines and sell in ever-greater volume. One aspect of a sales force that is ...
A crack salesperson is worth his or her weight in gold. Actually probably more than their weight in gold: a pile of gold doesn’t keep on making you money, whereas a competent sales rep certainly will. Besides good working conditions, a fair commission structure and benefits, what one thing does a sales rep absolutely need ...
Sales force performance is obviously of vital interest to any company. Here are 4 key elements for ensuring your salespeople are selling at their optimal levels and constantly improving. While some of these may seem like “givens” and be taken for granted, it is worth examining your sales force newly with these factors in mind; ...
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