Metrics are essential for management to understand if reps are on track to deliver results and to identify areas for improvement. You cannot make continuous improvements and refinements without them. They need to be actionable and predictable. While there are many standard metrics, many will be unique to your sales environment and go-to-market strategy. It ...
What’s a good lead rate? How much should a lead cost? These are questions stirring in the minds of executives everywhere. (Just google them.) The problem is they’re not so easy to answer; few have found success; and for that matter, are they even the right questions? I have been in this business since 1991 ...
“If you can find good people, they can always change the product/service. Nearly every mistake I’ve made has been in picking the wrong people, not the wrong idea. Most entrepreneurs have no problem coming up with a good strategy, but they usually need all the help they can get in developing and implementing the tactics ...
Lead generation is a major factor in any B2B enterprise. Leads become opportunities, which become customers, which (if handled right) become repeat customers and referrers. Inbound and Outbound Leads fall under 2 major categories—inbound and outbound. Inbound leads are those caused by sources outside your company, such as blogs, referring websites, 3rd-party mentions, social media ...
There is no shortage of advice one can get when trying to determine the basics when talking with potential new customers and clients. How to converse with prospects: asking the right questions and asking insightful questions will give you a better understanding about who you are connecting to and how you may be of service. ...
Smart sales organizations know how important it is to invest in their frontline managers. Skilled sales managers are at the heart of the sales team. With our 2015 Sales Manager Survey, we set out to understand how companies go about building skilled leadership. What are the priorities for skill development and support? What we discovered ...
Other than a few books on tape (wow that makes me sounds old) and a few random seminars, I have never formally been trained in sales. I have a marketing degree, but, and this might be surprising to some of you, it required a grand total of one class on the sales game. That said, ...
Are you still asking prospects, “What keeps you up at night?” That kind of question is making you look out of touch and may also signal to your prospect that you are totally uninformed about their world, their business, and your place in their ecosystem. Nowadays, it’s crucially important to show potential clients that you ...
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