Just ask any old timer: In days gone by, things were a lot more stable. A salesperson, for example, knew who to call on at XYZ company to make a pitch. And he could return to that company, and that person, to follow the sale through to a close. Today’s sales universe is a far ...
Selling is a very dynamic process, probably the most dynamic in any organization. It has so many moving parts, so many variables that it often becomes frenetic, chaotic, and reactionary. It doesn’t have to be that way. The key to success (in pretty much any endeavor) is being able to clearly identify the goal, define ...
I have written many times about Sales Managers who I believe are the most undervalued, under-trained, under-supported (I could go on) resource in most organizations. And yet, they can and should be that organization’s greatest revenue multiplier. But the reality is often so different, most sales managers are thrust into their positions after being a ...
Typing Too Much Is the New Talking Too Much Stop Typing, Start Listening One of the hardest lessons you, as the manager of a social sales team, will have to teach your salespeople (and perhaps even reteach yourself) is the seemingly dying art of listening. Why? Well because we have allowed ourselves to evolve into ...
Using Social Profiles as a Branding Opportunity Editor’s Note: Today we are posting Chapter 3 of a 10-chapter book, authored by our CSO, John Golden and Matt McDarby, President of United Sales Resources. John and Matt have collaborated before and have joined forces with this book to provide expertise to help our readers — particularly ...
I came across some interesting questions in a Teacher’s Guide to the Penguin Edition of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman – that timeless portrayal of the common man as a tragic figure. The questions that the teachers are encouraged to ask of their students before they begin studying the play are: What is your definition of ...
Sales Managers as Agents of Change Editor’s Note: Today we are posting Chapter 2 of a 10-chapter book, authored by our CSO, John Golden and Matt McDarby, President of United Sales Resources. John and Matt have collaborated before and have joined forces with this book to provide expertise to help our readers — particularly Sales ...
Editor’s Note: Today we are posting Chapter 1 of a 10-chapter book, authored by our CSO, John Golden and Matt McDarby, President of United Sales Resources. John and Matt have collaborated before and have joined forces with this book to provide expertise to help our readers — particularly Sales Managers who effectively manage salespeople in ...
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