A TED talk is the most direct route to establishing yourself as a thought leader and expert. Following my own TEDx talk my book sales soared, and I was hearing from speaker bureaus I’d never worked with. Mostly, though, I ended up with a video that truly expresses, as it says on the application, “an ...
The debate has been widespread on which attribute–confidence or competence–is more critical for the achievement of salesperson success. While there might be some merit in engaging in this debate, there is a simple answer: it takes both in equal measure to succeed. What is a Competent Salesperson? A competent salesperson is one that has learned ...
What makes a good question? In sales, some would say a good question is one that is prepared in advance. Some would say a good question is one that craftily leads the buyer toward the close. Others still would say a good question is the one that forces the buyer to agree with the seller, ...
Here is the next in my series on salesperson fitness. Of the three different types of fitness we’re addressing in this series (body, mind, spirit or soul), fitness of the body is the most visible. It’s what everyone immediately sees. In that a salesperson is presenting themselves and their products or services directly to someone ...
The communications revolution in which we’re engaged has has a profound impact on how salespeople achieve success. Buyers Are Now in Charge! Today buyers often completely pass up the the traditional selling model, instead accessing blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and other web-based tools. They learn for themselves all about your offerings, as well as ...
In sales, a scorecard for your salespeople is an invaluable tool. Not only can the scorecard be used to clearly articulate the goals for each person, but also measure and evaluate his or her performance at any point in time. Performance metrics are about keeping score as the “game” is played. No matter what sport ...
Quota success can never be guaranteed, but here are 10 simple things sales can do to increase the odds of knocking the ball out of the park. Understand the strategy of the organization intimately. If you don’t know exactly and in detail what the strategic objectives are, your sales plan will lack the focus and ...
Within my speaking/training business, I always had a product mix to offer clients – books, audio and video programs, and assessments. I started offering paper-based assessments to clients in 1975. In 1996, when my Platinum Rule® book was released by Warner Books, I decided to create an online assessment for the sole purpose to sell ...
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