Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
How to Connect With Customers Through the Power of Story
Blog / Marketing / Aug 5, 2022 / Posted by Sales POP! / 46

How to Connect With Customers Through the Power of Story


Most of us still remember the stories our parents and other loved ones told us in childhood. We are so attached that we happily pay money to see them come to live on screen (movies) or get merchandise that represents our favorite characters (even when we don’t really like that type of t-shirt).

Good stories stay close to people’s hearts; they inspire and create entire communities bonded by an invisible force that’s extremely powerful. And if you know how to harness that power as a brand, you have the key to creating long-lasting relationships with your customers.

So how do you connect to customers through storytelling? You start by understanding what stories are and how they fit in a world as diverse and dynamic as marketing.

Below, we listed a few pointers and tips to get you started on this journey.

Storytelling and Copywriting

If you talk with a sales expert, they’ll tell you that a successful sale is 95% mindset and only 5% anything else. The secret is to focus on the client and make sure the deal represents all their interests.

But, before you even get to discuss a deal, you have to attract customers to your products. The traditional way of doing so is through clever ads created with the help of copywriting. Now, both storytelling and copywriting are structured patterns of communication, but the latter is all about seducing your customers.

Storytelling helps readers identify with the characters and imagine themselves as part of the action. So when you tell a story about a product or a brand, you ask the reader to connect and be involved with the events.

In a nutshell, a successful campaign can use both copywriting and storytelling to convey a clear message.

Learning More About Storytelling in Business

Unlike copywriting, which is a merchant’s tool of seduction, stories create an alternate reality and nurture a series of emotions. And, as any expert in marketing or sales will tell you, the impulse to purchase is emotional. That’s why some people own one too many lightsabers and magic wands.

Good stories tug at your heart’s strings and make you feel things. But not everyone can create a compelling story – it takes finesse and a deep understanding of your target audience to put magic into words.

Luckily, you can build these skills through experience and/or by learning from experts. A good resource to get you started is StoryBrand’s certified guide to building a clear message and brand story.

Tell Your Own Story

Stories convert viewers into paying customers and brand advocates, so why not give it a try? Plus, you already have the material for an amazing story – your own journey to success!

The secret is to tell your story in a way that keeps people engaged and connected.

For this, you’ll need four important elements:

  • Characters that the audience can connect with – in your brand’s story, these would be the people that helped you build the business from the ground up (your team, your investors, and your first customers);
  • The location of your story – here, you can appeal to local audiences by turning the location into an exciting storybook place;
  • The purpose or core message of the story – what do you want readers to take from this story?
  • Plot – every good story needs an engaging plot that keeps readers on their toes until the end!

In Summary

Storytelling is a powerful tool, but you need to know how to use it. It will take some practice and maybe some trial and error, but don’t give up on telling your brand’s story. Once you learn how to ignite your audience’s emotions, you’ll understand how fun and exciting storytelling can be!

About Author

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