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Transcendent Leader
Blog / Leadership / May 15, 2020 / Posted by Dr. Gregory Stebbins / 3670

Transcendent Leader


Organizational vitality is when the people of an organization are energetic and have a sense of meaning and purpose in the work they do. One measure of organizational vitality is employee engagement, which is strongly influenced by leadership. It’s tough for employees to be engaged and participatory if the leaders aren’t also engaged and participatory. In order for this kind of leadership to foster, it’s important that leaders access wisdom, or the integration of an individual’s head, heart, and hunch, according to Dr. Gregory Stebbins. Wisdom is at the core of transcendent leadership, which is a state of being, instead of doing. Being a transcendent leader is about being, not doing. This kind of requiring unconditional loving. The word “love” doesn’t seem to go with the business world, but it’s crucial to create employee vitality and a successful company.

Unconditional Acceptance:

Acceptance means you accept the person for who they are and what they are. This does not mean that you accept anyone into your company. At the end of the day, you have to make a choice about what values guide your organization, and decide if each individual person lines up with those values. If the person is not a good fit for the organization, they can still receive unconditional acceptance and the encouragement to seek a company culture that is more fitting with who they are.


Reverence is a state of awe for another being. When you can look at a person and say, “oh wow, look at their potential,” that is reverence. People can be really fantastic when they have an alignment with the purpose and meaning behind being in an organization and dramatically fosters organizational vitality.


This is where leaders have a great opportunity. Often times, leaders have so much going on that even when they’re with their direct reports, they’re not fully present, and they’re mentally somewhere else. This disconnect is evident to employees, who end up feeling dishonored because of it, which directly impacts employee engagement and organizational vitality.


Courage comes from a French word meaning “from the heart.” Sometimes you have to make decisions that take a lot of courage. This could be courage on behalf of yourself or others in the organization. People have become very risk-averse, and struggle to make these tough decisions.


Gratitude involves consciously showing and appreciating all of the stakeholders in the operation. Gratitude is derived from the word grace. Living in a state of grace and gratitude is far-reaching, and increases the optimism, compassion, and energy of an organization.

Doing the highest good of all concern:

You have to look at every part of the organization, and strive to do the highest good. This includes doing the highest good towards co-workers, other leaders, employees, suppliers, and everyone else involved in the company culture.

About Author

Dr. Stebbins has over three decades of experience coaching emerging and senior executives in the development of wisdom, which is an integration of an individual’s head (intellect), heart (courage) and hunch (intuition). The wisdom development process helps leaders examine their inner dynamics, which drive how they act in an organizational environment

Author's Publications on Amazon

At the highest levels within an organization, people's ability to successfully interact with others and work together requires well-developed people skills. Leadership coaching can provide each person with deeper awareness of self and others.
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In plain language "PeopleSavvy for Sales Professionals" tells you exactly how you can earn customer trust, create lifelong relationships, and be recognized as a valued partner in your customer's business.
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