Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Keld Jensen

Negotiation, Trust, and Behavioral Economics Expert. He has more than 30 years of experience in international management, negotiation, and communication from his post as managing director of a listed Scandinavian company.

Author's Publications on Amazon

"My goal is to engage, provoke, inspire, and motivate you to strive toward your goals. The world needs successful people." Keld Jensen
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This book presents a wealth of down-to-earth negotiating advice, backed by examples from actual negotiations. Every principle presented is drawn from real-world negotiating experience, augmented with reflections on trust, behavioral economics, and sound decision making. If you negotiate – whether for contracts, procurement, sales, projects,…
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This eBook shows you how to optimize the clarity and impact of your communication by creating congruency in your words, your tone, and your body language and then adjusting your delivery or your content to accommodate the listener’s preferred method of receiving information.
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Intelligence is overrated is about success or rather success what success requires and what success is.
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It doesn't matter whether you are in a negotiation, consider what kind of milk to buy or getting a new job, this book is your guide to both, work and private life, and it can help you make better decisions so that you will not…
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This eBook will enable you to give strong, effective, and impactful presentations so that you are getting the recognition you deserve and the results you want.
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Whether you're in a meeting, negotiation, or presentation, or just at home with your spouse and kids, "Positive Impact" equips you with tools you'll find indispensable.
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SMARTnership - The Third Road offers professional negotiators and corporate executives innovative techniques to access mutually beneficial solutions that do not make their way to the bargaining table unless the parties agree to work cooperatively.
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This book is about the most important leadership and human skill that ever existed. The skill to interact with other people. All business is human, - it's never a relationship between two organizations but always between people. Learn how to negotiate in the world of…
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Offers deal-makers techniques to access mutually beneficial solutions that cannot make their way to the bargaining table without a cooperative strategy that enables the parties to together with mutual benefit and success.
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