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John DiJulius

John DiJulius is redefining customer service in corporate America today. He didn’t read the books on customer service, he wrote them. The Relationship Economy One of the most captivating and charismatic speakers today, John’s keynotes and workshops are used by world-class service companies to provide unforgettable customer service every day.

Author's Publications on Amazon

"The Best Customer Service Quotes Ever Said" uses the powerful and motivational words from world-renowned experts to inspire greatness and revolutionize how you interact with customers. This book is the perfect guide to taking customer interactions to the next level, and it provides expert wisdom…
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In "The Customer Service Revolution", DiJulius points out how numerous companies have made Customer service their biggest competitive advantage, are dominating their industries, and have made price irrelevant.
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In The Relationship Economy, author John DiJulius teaches business leaders about the importance of relationship-building in the digital age. This book reminds readers of the importance of personal connections and shows them how to attain meaningful, lasting relationships with their customers.
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"What's the Secret?" gives you an inside look at the world-class customer service strategies at some of today's best companies.
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