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Jeff DeGraff

Jeff DeGraff is an innovation professor, professional speaker, author, and consultant. He is known for his development work on the Competing Values Framework, a model about understanding how to appreciate conflicting values and integrate them successfully so that an organization is open to collaboration and growth.

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This book is widely applicable to a number of fields, including financial strategy, culture change, human resource management, leadership roles, and organizational change. Both academics and business leaders will find it to be an illuminating and useful reference.
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"Innovation You" reveals DeGraff’s unique four-step program to bolster your ingenuity and remake your life. From forging ahead in a new career to losing weight to finally pursuing that long-held dream, DeGraff’s strategies are effective and easy to follow.
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"Leading Innovation" presents a unique, holistic approach to creating innovation at all levels of your organization. Authors Jeff DeGraff and Shawn Quinn have created a real-world, how-to playbook of integrated creativity tools and techniques for understanding where innovation comes from and harnessing its power to…
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"Making Stone Soup" is short, fun and to the point. It's an excellent guide for anyone launching an innovation team, leading a creative project, or developing a novel solution. It's easy to understand and follow.
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"The Innovation Code" offers four steps to normalize conflict and channel it to develop something completely new. By following these simple steps, you will get breakthrough innovations that are both good for you and your customers.
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