Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Jamie Shanks

Jamie is the Founder and CEO at Pipeline Signals, which aims to support companies in growing their sales pipeline at scale through Relationship Signals and Signal Intelligence. A decade before founding Pipeline Signals, Jamie founded Sales for Life, the world's most extensive Social Selling training program for mid-market and enterprise companies. He has also authored two books: Social Selling Mastery, an essential resource for sales and marketing professionals looking for a better way to connect with today's customers; and SPEAR Selling, the ultimate Account-based Sales guide for the modern, digital seller.

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A concrete framework for engaging today's buyer and building relationships Social Selling Mastery provides a key resource for sales and marketing professionals seeking a better way to connect with today's customer. Author Jamie Shanks has personally built Social Selling solutions in nearly every industry, and…
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The ultimate Account-based Sales guide for the modern, digital seller. SPEAR Selling is the battle-tested process for both sales leaders and sales professionals to leverage in their pursuit for greater account-based sales results. Author Jamie Shanks has trained and advised 100’s of companies on SPEAR…
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