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Geoffrey James

Geoffrey James is an author, speaker, and award-winning blogger. Originally a system architect, brand manager, and industry analyst inside two Fortune 100 companies, he's interviewed more than a thousand successful executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and gurus to discover how business really works.

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This book offers a composite of the best management methods of some of the most innovative leaders in the industry today. The author has spent months interviewing senior high-tech executives including Bill Gates of Microsoft, Lewis Platt of Hewlett-Packard, Jim Manzi of Lotus, Ann Winblad,…
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For the past seven years, Geoffrey James has written a daily blog that's become one of the most popular business-focused destinations on the web. In BUSINESS WITHOUT THE BULLSH*T, readers will learn surprising but tried-and-true secrets about being an extraordinary boss, coping with annoying coworkers,…
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There are approximately 35 million business to business sales reps in the country selling everything from books and computers to furniture and flooring. They know as well as anyone that selling to other businesses is not the same as selling to consumers. Businesses have different…
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