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Catherine Storing

Catherine Storing is an in-person and virtual stylist. She is a best-selling author, speaker, coach, and closet whisperer.

Author's Publications on Amazon

Have you been waiting to do what you have been called to do and can't seem to be able to get started? Are you tired of not doing what you were created to do? Then this short yet powerful kick in the pants book is…
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The book Becoming Jacob will help you face that sin you love so much and how to leave it behind once and for all.
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"I will share with you what I learned and what principles you should put on place BEFORE you leave your corporate job for GOOD." - Catherine Storing
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Do you have THAT idea that will change the world, but nobody seems to acknowledge it? Don't give up your dream! Seven Keys to Unleashing Unlimited Living is a book that will help you recognize and pursue the path that God planned for you. Renowned…
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This simple yet powerful book will help you become the Winner, Champion and the Finisher you were created to be.
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I AM SET FREE is a beautiful, arduous and ever so necessary trip that everyone must least anyone serious about leaving their poverty-stricken mindset behind. Wow, this book unearthed OLD wounds that never healed properly. Said, one reader. Lack of wealth is not due…
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The manual includes EVERYTHING you need to teach YOUR easy to others. The inspiration, tools, resources, mindset help, and EVERYTHING is layout in such a way that YOU can follow, understand, and, more importantly, complete setting up YOUR EASY!!!
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