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Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne is an inspirational speaker, author, and trainer, presenting on an international stage. His core message of self-improvement through the practice of personal Response-Ability and purpose-led motivation has proven as effective and popular with the corporate world as with the many individuals who come to experience his public presentations.

Author's Publications on Amazon

The book outlines a series of simple steps to help readers open their minds and visualize dreams and aspirations, and then, using the templates provided, map out specific goals or even a period of life. Whatever the dream, Goal Mapping can help achieve it.
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...the result will be a natural boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief as your Life Map leads you to be proactive in your attitudes, and effective in living your best life.
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An enchanting adventure tale that shows by analogy how positive thoughts can enrich and actively change all of our lives.
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'Self Mapping' will take you on a journey of Self-discovery, through the stages of Self Awareness, Self Belief, Self Image, Self Esteem, Self Acceptance, Self Love, Self Actualization, Self Integration, and Self Renewal.
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