What John’s Guest Are Saying!

I was thoroughly impressed with John as an interviewer. He has a talent for bringing the best out of his <a href="https://salespop.net/what-our-guests-are-saying/">guests</a> and that was no exception with our <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-training/10-steps-for-nailing-your-interview-in-2019/">interview</a>. The insights he shared made for a lively interview full of valuable information.
Jeffrey Lipsius![]()
The measure of a great <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-training/10-steps-for-nailing-your-interview-in-2019/">interview</a> is not how easy it is for the participants, but how engaging it is for the viewers. My conversations with John have been among my most highly-rated events, because <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-management/watch-it-again-john-golden-webinar-on-minimizing-sales-process-risk-in-2015/">John</a> is expert at asking the questions that viewers are asking themselves. His sharp curiosity leads to naturally engaging conversations – unscripted yet focused on just the right stuff.
Jason Jordan![]()
John is the master of creating a dialogue that brings a topic to life. I have had the opportunity on several occasions to be <a href="https://salespop.net/what-our-guests-are-saying/">John’s guest</a> and I must say it didn’t feel like an interview but a conversation with a friend.
Roy Osing![]()
John asks smart <a href="https://salespop.net/prospecting/4-questions-in-qualifying-sales-opportunities-2/">questions</a> that bring out the best in his <a href="https://salespop.net/what-our-guests-are-saying/">guests</a>.
John Livesay![]()
<a href="https://salespop.net/sales-professionals/john-golden-talks-building-brand-gold/">John</a> is gracious and engaging interviewer. Questions really get you to think and brings out the best for the <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-professionals/narrowing-your-target-audience/">audience</a>. As someone who does interviews myself learnt a lot from his interactions.
Jermaine Edwards![]()
Unlike many wooden interviewers who stick to a prepared script of questions, John leads a fun and <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-training/sales-training-and-the-sales-conversation/">interesting conversation</a>. This is much more fun for a guest but more importantly, is way more interesting for the audience.
David Meerman Scott![]()
Being interviewed by John Golden is like having an intelligent, insightful and <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-training/sales-training-and-the-sales-conversation/">meaningful conversation</a> with an old friend. His style and approach to the <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-training/10-steps-for-nailing-your-interview-in-2019/">interview</a> just immediately engaged and relaxed me, which helped me provide much more insightful answers to his questions and helped our conversation flow.
Meridith Elliot Powell![]()
What I enjoy about working with <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-professionals/john-golden-talks-building-brand-gold/">John Golden</a> is, his real world experience ensures his <a href="https://salespop.net/sales-management/how-to-better-asking-questions-to-boost-business-opportunities/">questions</a> are intelligent, but also his understanding of the answers allows him to probe more deeply into the challenges facing salespeople or sales managers.
Ken Thoreson![]()