Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

What John’s Guest Are Saying!

Here is what some of John' Golden's guests are saying about their experience of being interviewed on Sales POP! Expert Interview podcast and Youtube channel.

John shows real insight in his questions. He sparked my thinking about my topic: Real Results on Real Work in Real Time during our talk and provided a platform for me to further introduce my work into the world. Being nimble and agile in any of sales work -- being "change-able" I call it -- is critical to success. Thanks to <a href="">John</a> and <a href="">SalesPOP</a> for making it possible for others to learn this, too!

Jake Jacobs

What makes for a great interview is a great <a href="">conversation</a>. John is a master at paying close attention, drawing out information, and creating a space for fluid dialogue. It’s my pleasure and joy to have these conversations!

Eileen McDargh

Not all interviews are equal. I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with <a href="">John Golden</a>. Great questions! Great experience! Great end product for his listeners!

Sam Silverstein

<a href="">John</a> and I had a great conversation, and he brought up some very relevant points that allowed me to further explore some of the topics I cover in my book The Art of People.

Dave Kerpen

It was a true pleasure to work with John. He was prepared, personable, and guided an insightful interview and conversation about the importance and role of building trust in professional relationships. I wouldn’t hesitate to work again with John and his team.

Randy Conley

John’s had me on his show twice and both times the time flew. John makes it fun and <a href="">conversational</a>. You can tell by the follow up questions he asks that he’s genuinely interested in knowing more. If being a podcast host were an Olympic event, John would win the Gold Medal!

Ruben Gonzalez

It was a pleasure to participate on the sales panel with <a href="">Michael Altshuler</a> and John Healy. As the moderator, <a href="">John Golden</a> generated value-rich, interesting discussions with his insightful questions and follow-up. I welcomed the opportunity to join in the discussion and provide my thoughts on how to start off the new year strong.

Ruth van Vierzen

Outstanding! Always great to have a conversation with an expert and John is just that, he’s an expert and even bigger than that he is a <a href="">great interviewer</a>. Our time together went too fast but that’s what made it so good.

Mark Hunter