Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Pipeliner Manifesto: The Positive Sales R(Evolution)

For the Pipeliner Manifesto, we are focusing on positive empowerment of salespeople.

At Pipeliner, our main focus has never been to make it more possible to control salespeople (as seemed to be the mission of many CRM applications), but to empower them and, with every release, make it increasingly more possible for them to sell.

Today, the honest salespeople—whom we believe are in the far majority—are winning out. Why? The broad proliferation of the internet has brought transparency to commerce, business…and salespeople.

Pipeliner Manifesto: Trade is Essential to Growth and Economic Stability

In our Pipeliner Manifesto, we agree with several leaders in the Austrian School of Economic Thought that trade has a peacekeeping element. Using this standard, you can see how vitally important fair trade is in today’s world, in which not only war is a threat, but also environmental ruin and depletion of resources. Trade is conducted by salespeople so they are, in fact, a major force in keeping peace throughout the world.

Pipeliner Manifesto: The Driving Force of Globalization and the Digital World

In the Pipeliner Manifesto, we point out how globalization has been brought about by the digital revolution.

There is a fundamental transformation happening—actually one that’s been happening for a number of years now but which has reached mammoth proportions and only continues. That is the evolution of the digital world. While the whole world has become interconnected, that means that all the information coming from everywhere is literally available to everyone, practically as soon as it is released. What kind of information overload can that lead to? And what is the solution?

Pipeline Management: Success With CRM

Pipeline management means the difference between accurate, successful sales and hit-or-miss sales that mysteriously make it to the close or don’t. Pipeline management therefore even affects the success or failure of a company, and the attainment of company goals.

This slideshare, based on the ebook of the same name, shows you the relationship between pipeline management and sales success, as well as the vital role played by the choice of CRM solution.

Leading from the War Room: Building a Battle-Ready Sales Force

It can often seem that running a sales force is like fighting a war—and in fact it more or less is a war between your company and your competitors. The prize is new prospects, new customers, sales, customer retention, and market share.

As a sales manager, your troops are your salespeople. You want those troops to be as battle-worthy as possible. You want them to return as winners—for their own satisfaction as well as the bottom line.

What are the best methods to make your team battle-ready and lead them successfully?

Salespeople, Sales Management and the Importance of Taking Risks

In today’s mega-technological super-convenience society, we’ve all but lost sight of one particular fact: Life is a risk. We’ve built walls, dams and roofs to keep it out. We’ve armed ourselves with the latest inoculations to keep risk from making us sick. We’ve mounted the latest weaponry to safeguard us from our enemies. We’ve insured ourselves as many ways as possible so that risk doesn’t lose us money. This attitude has found its way into sales forces and sales management as well.

But risk is part of life, part of business–let’s fact it, part of everything. Taking risk is how anything ever got built, invented, created or originated in the first place. It’s how anyplace was ever discovered, then made habitable and colonized. And taking a closer look at the environment in which we all live, taking risk is how any business ever got founded, built up and became any kind of success; somebody somewhere stepped out and took that risk.

How Marketers Can Empower Sales Reps — Sales & Marketing Alignment

The importance of inbound marketing is increasing – and therefore an alignment between marketing and sales. Increasingly marketers, not sales reps, have the power to influence early dialogue – and determine whether an individual converts into a prospect.

6 Sins of Sales

This infographic covers 6 primary sins that salespeople should avoid no matter what. We discuss how to avoid them, and actions to take to ensure they never occur at all.

The infographic is based on the ebook of the same name.

It is important to avoid these sins simply because you want to sell, and you want to have a higher percentage of won sales than lost sales. We want that for you, too!

These sins are categorized under the 6 W’s: Who, What, When, Why, Where, hoW.

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