Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Sales Management Pain Points: The First Thing a Sales Manager Must Know is Management

Most of the time, a sales manager becomes a sales manager by being promoted out of the salesperson position. A salesperson was a top producer on a sales team, and was then promoted to sales management to run that sales team.

Sure, being great at sales helps—in fact, salespeople may not even listen to them if they aren’t—but that is only the beginning. There are many other skills a sales manager must have, chief among them being management itself.

Sales Management Pain Points: The Pain Point of People

In sales management, the first thing you must admit is just how difficult it is to change people – The Pain Point of People.  Ask yourself: Have you ever tried to really change someone? Then ask yourself: Did you succeed? If you answered “Yes,” great! But the vast majority would answer “no” to this second question. This is doubly true for trying to change someone simply and only on a professional level—in their job.

Sales Management Pain Points: How Important is Technology to Sales Management?

A key factor in sales management approach is technology. Without the right technology, the sales manager isn’t going to even have the data to view, let alone interpret and make decisions with.

Here are very specific guidelines for choosing and employing technology for sales management.

Sales Management Pain Points: The Sales Manager

Sounds like a funny thing to say, doesn’t it? But it’s true. Of all the many pain points in sales management—and our research has turned up dozens—the first and foremost of these is the sales manager himself or herself.

Sales Management Pain Points – Overview

There are literally hundreds of pain points that plague sales management. If we were going to take them all up, we’d not be doing an slideshare, but an encyclopedia. 

Instead we’re going to help you with the pain points that we know about, that we can actually guide you through, and that our product Pipeliner CRM can be applied to.

These pain points can be broken down into 3 categories:

  1. Management
  2. Technology
  3. People

Sales Conversion and The Power of Prioritization

Who wouldn’t want to improve sales conversion rates by 97%? This is the power of prioritization!

Based on a stunning study by Velocify and brought to you by Pipeliner CRM, this slideshare shows that sales people using a prioritized list of leads and activities are able to:

1. Work more leads
2. Boost engagement
3. Add more revenue

On average, salespeople who use prioritization have 15% higher contact and conversion rates than those who don’t use prioritization. And their average sales conversion rates were 97% higher.

Pipeliner Manifesto: Why Principles Matter More than Virtues

In the Pipeliner Manifesto, we are discussing principles and virtues.

At Pipeliner we have for quite some time been discussing and promoting principles which we have adopted for our company and made part of our product Pipeliner CRM. At the same time, we’ve seen many other companies talk about their values. What is the difference between virtues and principles, and why have we chosen the latter?

Pipeliner Manifesto: Only Sound Education Brings Future Prosperity

In the Pipeliner Manifesto, we must state that we are big believers in education—not just about our product, but about sales, leadership and anything else relevant to the world of business in which we can help. Most of our materials are provided free of charge—we really want to help educate and change the business world for the better.

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