You know one of the words universally associated with success that we don’t hear enough? Initiative. Merriam-Webster likes to describe this word, firstly (and probably most succinctly) as the introductory step. That’s it. So simple, that it’s often lost in a haze of other important ToDo’s.
Now, one of the great tricks with initiative is having a plan or goal thereafter. That next step. Lewis Carroll’s famous quote, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there,” springs immediately to mind. But I prefer to proceed with another piece of wisdom, thanks Stephen Covey and your 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, “Begin with the end in mind.”
On social media this “end” can often be building business relationships that stick — and provide mutual benefit. Some call this “value-add.” It can often lead to new business, especially in a sales context. All, thanks to a little initiative toward paying attention to trigger events. (more…)