Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
The Emergence of Salesperson 2.0

The Emergence of Salesperson 2.0

Thanks to social media and professional networks, today’s more informed, savvy, and frankly, empowered buyer has forever altered the buyer-seller relationship. The balance of power has titled in the buyer’s favor at the expense of many of us in sales.

But as with any evolution or indeed a revolution, there are those that adapt and prosper. We’re witnessing the emergence of a new type of salesperson. Let’s unimaginatively call them “Salesperson 2.0.” (more…)

Freedom and Responsibility: The Entrepreneurial Salesperson

Freedom and Responsibility: The Entrepreneurial Salesperson

When you think about it, salespeople have an awesome amount of freedom—but also a huge amount of personal responsibility.  In many senses, we really are entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs march to their own drummer.  They have goals, translated both to financial aspirations (revenue, earnings, growth), and strategies (share, market visibility, brand reputation, etc.)  They develop plans, then invest in the people, facilities, capital, and other resources needed to achieve them. (more…)

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