Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
Excel Your Companies Sales with Cold Calling
Blog / Sales Skills / May 10, 2021 / Posted by Sales POP! / 1675

Excel Your Companies Sales with Cold Calling


When you think about working on your sales strategy, what are some of the typical traits that go through your mind?

Maybe, it’s SEO, Linkedin, competitor research, and more.

When done right, cold calling can be highly effective. With other marketing strategies, they require a little more independence. You have to do the work and don’t always gain a helping hand.

The good news with cold calling is that you can work with a cold calling provider.

Revise your cold calling strategy

When you get in touch with an agency, they will work with you to develop your cold calling strategy. What does this strategy look like?

The fundamental point to remember when you begin cold calling is that you need to have a script and an aim. This is hopefully completed before you make the call.

What does your aim look like?

Your aim could be to simply book an appointment or to store your client’s information safely so that you can reach out to them via other platforms. Perhaps you prefer to grab their attention through Linkedin or email.

Hopefully, both of these strategies lead to the same goal which is conversions, but the process is not quick. With cold calling, you need to gain their trust. For your sake, this may mean that they book multiple appointments with you before buying into your service.

Be prepared

When it comes to working on your script, you need to implement an effective opening statement that grabs your customer’s attention. This can be the hardest part of the process, which is why you need to work with an agency that has the following traits:

  • Experience
  • Understanding of brand

When we think about the experience, we need to take into account that behind every good cold calling strategy, there is a sales team who knows how to write a script.

Some prefer to improvise their way through the call, but this only works if they can respond to an unexpected or a response of any kind. The only way to know if you think your responses are working is experience. The more years the team has, the better.

Cold calling is not a skill that you can learn overnight, so looking for an experienced team will give you the upper hand.

However, even before you develop your cold calling strategy. Your provider needs to understand your brand and its goals. This may mean that they take the time to really understand your brand and its unique selling points.

They need to put themselves into the shoes of the customer and understand why they would choose your service. This is the fundamental question that needs to be analyzed with every cold calling strategy.

If you are the company that is reaching out to the provider, then it would be helpful to know your growth goals. This means deciding what elements of your company you want to grow the most. Have a think about your service and how it can improve.

Perhaps, competitor analysis and industry trends come into the picture. The good news is that your provider will help you on this front.

To conclude

When it comes to marketing these days, cold calling isn’t always on the radar. People tend to think about social media and various other media platforms. The truth is that cold calling needs to be done right, in order for you to get conversions. Let’s go over the 3 points that you need to know when selecting your provider.

  • Understanding of brands goals
  • Experienced team, both in sales and cold calling
  • Willing to do the research

Author bio

Sam Edwards is a content writer who lives in Tunbridge Wells. He is working for Pearl Lemon Properties. When he is not writing, he can be found grabbing a coffee or playing guitar.

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