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Setbacks Can Guide You to Successful Years Ahead
Blog / Sales Professionals / May 10, 2024 / Posted by Elinor Stutz / 34

Setbacks Can Guide You to Successful Years Ahead


When we encounter unexpected disasters, we often hear words like, ‘I told you so,’ and ‘Give it Up. It’s time to quit!’ But ask yourself, ‘What will that accomplish?’ Not much!

During times like these, it’s best to permit yourself quiet time to review what led up to the seeming disaster, how you might revise your approach to achieve your goal, and then take specific actions to do so. Once you achieve your revised goal, you may become thankful that the original misfortune hit.

Our journey through life, spanning various decades, often reveals surprising insights. Looking back, we might even be grateful for those who treated us poorly. Their harsh actions sharpened our senses as they guided us to walk away. Only then can we discover a better path, teaching us valuable lessons.

Today, more possibilities exist than ever to accelerate our career, business, and personal growth. We each possess unique priorities and values, so avoiding those who always say, ‘You should’ and researching instead of what we believe we might do is a wiser action.

A better course of action is to weigh every discouraging comment to ensure we are on the path that will suit us best as it aligns with our vision and unique goals – not those of anyone else.

One phrase provides a ‘heads up’ that someone is not in our court upon hearing, ‘You should…’ How does anyone outside our immediate circle know what we should and should not do? They don’t. Be receptive to alternative ideas but remain true to your unique thought process and identity. It is one’s personal brand, branding, and marketing effort that will contribute to successful sales and business growth.

For example, AI is everywhere, encompassing business at every level. Like making lasting connections, our agenda includes qualifying which software we will routinely accept and use to benefit our path to success. When others seem to bombard us with ‘must-dos,’ ask yourself, ‘Must I?’

Career and Business Advancement

Financial Matters

AI is highly beneficial in many ways and on many levels. No one possesses a crystal ball, so the choice is ours alone, while intuition may be the better route.

As with all other business development matters, we need to revisit our future vision and our plan for achieving it. Moreover, it is critical to ensure that what we implement is safe, sound, and practical today. Otherwise, inefficiencies can consume our time and money and drain the bottom line.

Worse, criminal attacks are spreading due to inefficient cybersecurity. A lack of prevention or immediate attention to an issue as it arises can create situations that are more harmful than we ever thought they might be. Planning today for tomorrow is more critical than ever.

An essential question to ask oneself is, do you protect what you do from the start? It’s always best to take a slower approach to a new strategy, such as implementing AI, by ensuring cybersecurity protection.

Give thought to widespread insights from leaders in the field in varying ways. The bonus is to realize who the leaders are today on varying topics, follow them on social media, and learn the latest updates. Your chosen methods belong to you, but the conscious act is critical for everyone.

In Conclusion: Embrace Setbacks for Career and Business Growth

As others see you active in staying updated on technology, social matters, and sharing information, opportunities will be yours. The entire interaction between your dedication to learning and others seeking you out will launch you further in your career or business than you ever imagined possible.

For more Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

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Smooth Sales with Elinor

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“Believe, Become, Empower”

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Sales Tips: Accelerate Career and Business Growth

  1. Know the needs and desires of your audience, including your next new employer.
  2. Realize what matters most to you and the achievements you desire to plan well into the future.
  3. Take time to contemplate aspects of new technology to realize which ones may work best for you to test individually.
  4. Subscribe to business and financial newsletters to realize how the subjects intersect.
  5. Consider what may be more beneficial for you and then ask clientele for their insights to find commonality.
  6. Demonstrate you are current with the news by asking prospects how they foresee the new technology in their business.
  7. Upon interviewing for a job, inquire how the employer foresees implementing AI and encourage a conversation about it.
  8. As an employee, offer ideas for implementing new technology in team meetings.
  9. Always track progress to prepare for revising new strategies that may now work well and substitute for another that might.
  10. Celebrate Success!
About Author

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. First, she proved Women Can Sell. Smooth Sale was created to teach how to earn a returning and referring clientele. Stutz became an International Best-Selling Author, a Top 1% Influencer, and Sales Guru and Inspirational Speaker.

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