Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
Emotional Momentum
Blog / Sales Professionals / Oct 20, 2018 / Posted by Robert Jolles / 6137

Emotional Momentum

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When it comes to achieving our larger goals, our biggest obstacle can sometimes be the impetus to begin. Often, it’s the sheer size of these goals that does us in. What we really need to do is to find a way to shift our focus, and I’ll show you how to do just that when you read…

We all want to move forward and achieve our goals, but frequently we are blocked by our inability to begin. Try as we might, we just can’t gain any momentum. I’m not referring to physical momentum – something we see in a science experiment. Strike a cue ball, watch how the physical energy is transferred from one pool ball to another, and voilà – there’s physical momentum on display for your viewing pleasure.

What I’m referring to is something I call “emotional momentum.” One team struggles for a bit and then finds some success. That team begins to believe in its success and suddenly we’re watching a team with emotional momentum. We may not be able to see the momentum but we can feel it and see the positive outcome it brings.

Let me give you another example: If you exercise, have you ever noticed it seems to take forever to get to the middle of your workout, but once you get to the middle, the second half seems to fly by? Although you know you spent the same amount of time in the first half of your workout as the second, that’s not what the mind says.

When I am assisting clients in their goal to write a book, I recognize the hardest part of writing the book will be starting the book. You can’t really start without research and an outline, but that’s not what creates emotional momentum. Writing, and actually churning out pages, is what creates emotional momentum.

I’ve worked with clients who will tell me they’ve spent ten years working on a book, but rarely have they finished even five pages. In an attempt to create emotional momentum, I tell them this:

  • You won’t be editing as you write.
  • You won’t be reviewing what you write.
  • You won’t be analyzing what you write.

You will be following your outline, turning those words loose, and writing. It’s amazing to see someone, who has never finished a page, finish a chapter. When they do, emotional momentum begins to surface. When one chapter becomes two chapters, that emotional momentum builds even more. When that writer gets to the halfway point, emotional momentum kicks in big time, and that writer can’t be stopped. It’s almost as exciting for me to watch it as it is for that writer to live it.

So why can’t we harness that emotional momentum in other things we do? One of the obstacles in our way is the lack of clear, measurable goals. When you have a specific workout, or the desire to write a book, the goal is easy to measure. It’s right there in front of you, in the form of time or pages. But when you want to improve a skill or create a change in your life, a clear, measurable goal is often lacking.

There’s a relatively easy fix for this, and it’s often as easy as breaking your larger goals down into smaller, measurable tasks. Getting in shape is a big goal – but setting up a series of days and times to workout is a smaller task. Completing the smaller goal creates emotional momentum. Writing a book is a big goal – but outlining one chapter is a smaller task. The process of completing that smaller, less intimidating task creates emotional momentum, and it can be ridden like a wave to the finish line.

What goals in your life have you been contemplating? What smaller, measurable tasks can you line up to create the emotional momentum you need to take those goals to your finish line? Oh, and why not start today?!

About Author

A sought-after speaker and best-selling author, Rob Jolles teaches, entertains, and inspires audiences worldwide. Rob draws on more than thirty years of experience and his keynotes and workshops are in global demand, including companies in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Far East.

Author's Publications on Amazon

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How to Run Seminars and Workshops is the classic guide for trainers and presenters in any industry. Packed with clear advice and real-world practicality, this book covers all aspects including planning, setup, delivery, coaching, and more—including valuable guidance on selling your services. This new Fourth…
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The Way of the Road Warrior offers weary business travelers inspiration, advice, and practical skills for conquering the competition while conducting business on the road. This business traveler handbook is written by Robert L. Jolles salesman, consultant, professional speaker, and veteran Road Warrior who has…
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This revised edition of Robert Jolles's classic book on sales technique features brands new material throughout, including illustrations, teaching aids, coaching techniques, and true implementation strategies! When you have a process, you have a way of measuring what you are doing. When you can measure…
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For some, projecting confidence and credibility is second nature. For others, it seems like a foreign language they'll never learn – until now. Rob Jolles delivers down-to-earth solutions for anyone looking to enhance the most basic need of all; to be believed. He leverages his…
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Comments (1)


Jason Boo commented...

Good post!

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