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Human Resources: How to Recruit the Recruiters?
Blog / Sales and Marketing / Nov 6, 2019 / Posted by Sales POP! / 5039

Human Resources: How to Recruit the Recruiters?

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The whole management looks to HR for recruiting talented new employees for the company, but how is one supposed to recruit a recruiter? Of course, if you already have a HR department with an experienced staff and a good HR Head, things will become a lot easier.

How to recruit the recruiters

Just in case you are only starting out, or you have never really needed an HR department until now, which qualities should you be looking for in your new HR recruit/recruits? Also, even if you have a human resources department, have you lately given some consideration to the performance of your HR department? Are they hiring the right people and handling their people management tasks properly? Let’s discuss a few points next which might help us find answers to these questions.

Consider Outsourcing: The Recruiting, Not the Jobs

Now, we are not talking about outsourcing to an external HR service provider, because in many ways, that’s not always an ideal solution. The main company loses direct control over the department and there can be industrial relationship problems to deal with as well.

However, you can take the guesswork out of human resource staffing by outsourcing the job of finding the right HR candidates to an external service. As long as the third-party service has a good reputation for human resource staffing, the candidates they send in for the final interviews are going to be the most ideal ones to fill up the specific need gaps in your company. It’s almost like having an HR head to do the screening for you, but without needing to pay a big salary every month! Eventually, you should have an HR head and a fully-fledged department, but until the time you get there, third-party human resource staffing services will do just fine.

Consider Outsourcing: The Jobs this Time

Not as ideal as the option above, but yes, at times and for multiple organizations of various sizes, completely outsourced/external/third-party human resource departments or individuals are definitely an option.

Sometimes, only certain functions of the HR department are outsourced, such as recruitment, payroll management, and other transactional duties. These are called shared HR service outsourcing systems and they are adopted when a company has HR personnel, but just not enough of them to handle their increasing workload yet. Depending on the performance and associated expenses of the external HR department, the organization may continue or discontinue their professional relationship, post the contractual period.

Don’t Forget to be the Boss

Now, all said and done, if you are a decision-maker in an organization and you have the final say, it should not just be a formality. To make sure that you hire the right people, look for the following qualities in a potential HR employee:

  • He/she should be a good communicator: Good verbal and written skills are necessary.
  • The candidate should have a friendly aura about them; approachability is very important.
  • Basic understanding of the HR software systems should be present.
  • They may not be accountants, but HR personnel need to be good with numbers too.
  • Positivity is important to be successful in people management; the candidate will find it hard to stay relevant without it.

Nothing beats experience, and if you really don’t have any relevant in-house experience to help you with huma­n resource staffing, outsourcing the job of finding the right HR people is going to be the best option. After all, if you end up recruiting the wrong person for recruiting everyone else, you could have a very difficult situation to deal with later on!


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Comments (1)


nsamwa ntobolo commented...

Thank you for sharing well articulated. The right people are passionate about the things they do!! It is also important to note that if individuals are in wrong jobs not only will the company suffer but also the individuals for inability to perform your best is demotivating.

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