Whether you are a start-up or a well-established business – the reality is you have most likely underestimated how important a business card can be. If you are at a networking event or meeting, it will leave a lasting impression when you hand it to them. As such you need to think carefully about the right business card for you. Here we give you some tips, so you can get this just right.
Choose the Right Printing Company
Just because you are looking for a high-quality business card, it doesn’t mean you need to pay a fortune for it. If you are looking for some cheap printing online options – there are some cheap printing services from companies such as Zoe Print that could be right up your alley. They are a reliable company, who offers a wide range of high-quality products that can be delivered quickly. You can use tools to create a logo yourself such as free logo maker online.
Perfect your Logo
Your logo is part of the business card that everyone will remember. It’s one of the most important parts of your branding. It should have personality and be designed with the user in mind. You can use tools to create a logo yourself, or else you can hire a professional creative agency that will be able to put your thoughts onto paper. They will have the experience necessary to appeal to the right audience.
Don’t Put Too Much Information on There
It’s a common mistake to cran a business card with information. It’s understandable – you want to make sure that you don’t leave anything out. Unfortunately, what you can do is overwhelm the recipient with information that they really don’t need. Make sure your message is clear and concise. It should have your logo, your tagline (if you have one) – and your contact details.
Choose the Correct Font
Another common mistake is choosing a font that’s too fancy, too small, or difficult to read. Reading a business card and getting the necessary information you need from it shouldn’t be a task. Don’t make the recipient think – it should be legible and easy to understand. If the font is too small, or illegible – the reality is, the information won’t be digested, and your card will fall into a pile of forgotten ones.
Put on your Social Media Channels
Although you don’t want to have too much information on there, it is critical that you let people know that you are on social media. Not only will that add to the professionalism of your business card, but it will also help build your business brand. Ensure you have the relevant social media usernames and handles on there to drive traffic their organically too. That way you will have another avenue to communicate your message.
Hopefully, by taking our top tips, you will now be ready to get the perfect business card made. Remember first impressions count, so make the right one.
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