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How Intelligent Workplace Automation Can Help Enhance Sales Cycle
Blog / Sales Management / Dec 13, 2022 / Posted by Sales POP! / 101

How Intelligent Workplace Automation Can Help Enhance Sales Cycle


Sales is a function that has always been associated with low efficiency. However, as the business landscape changes rapidly and salespeople are expected to perform even better than before, it becomes essential for them to outsource some of their tasks. This can be done through workplace automation which helps to streamline processes, increase productivity and improve overall quality.

Most businesses are adopting workplace automation and digital transformation. According to data from Statista, it is estimated that global spending on digital transformation will reach 1.6 trillion in 2022 and is projected to reach $3.4 trillion by 2026.

What Is Workplace Automation?

Workplace automation is a term that describes the use of technology to automate or streamline business processes. Workplace automation aims to save time and reduce costs by eliminating inefficiencies in the workplace. It also gives companies access to real-time data on a larger scale than ever before, which can improve decision-making, increase productivity, and enhance customer service.

Some standard workplace automation tools include:

  • Lead generation software: This software allows sales agents to manage leads easily by automating tasks such as data entry and email communication with potential customers.
  • Data entry apps: These mobile apps allow employees to quickly enter information into databases from their phones or tablets during meetings or significant events such as conferences or trade shows
  • CRM software: A customer relationship management tool that integrates sales activities with other departments, like marketing, so everyone stays on track with what needs to be done step-by-step without getting off track.

A McKinsey and Co. survey from 2020 states that around 61% of the surveyed companies have already implemented some workplace automation in one or more business functions. The numbers hint towards the increased adoption of workplace automation.

Advantages of Workplace Automation

Workplace automation offers a lot of benefits, such as:

Automate Repetitive Sales Tasks Like Data Entry

AI can be used to automate repetitive tasks, like data entry. For example, suppose you have a CRM, and it’s integrated with your sales automation software. In that case, AI can automatically pull in previously submitted leads and update the status of those leads based on their activity within your platform.

This is especially helpful for onboarding new users or managing large amounts of data that needs to be updated regularly. In this case, the AI will look through all the relevant information from other systems and then update each record accordingly without human interaction or intervention.

Automation of repetitive sales tasks is done with the help of a sales engagement platform. Such platforms can gather data and help analyze it through reports. Hence, with the help of insights generated, a salesperson or manager can automate workflows on a sales engagement platform so that it can complete mundane tasks without any help from humans.

Improves Customer Experience

Customer experience is one of the key factors for sales. It’s about the entire process, from lead generation to closing. The sales cycle is often long and complicated, involving many different departments. Automating your processes reduces errors, increases speed and efficiency, and improves consistency, all of which contribute to a better customer experience.

Bad experiences can lead to customers doing business with rivals. Hence, offering a personalized and positive customer experience is vital. Therefore, most enterprises use workplace automation to improve the sales journey of customers. In fact, a recent Algorithmia survey shows that 34% of companies implement machine learning and automation to improve customer experience.

Enhances Sales Pipeline Management

To help you get a better understanding of how automation can be used to manage sales pipelines, let’s look at how a typical sales manager would go about it.

The role of the sales manager is to keep track of the company’s sales pipeline and ensure that each prospect goes through all the right steps to convert into actual customers. Sales managers are responsible for analyzing data on your company’s website and social media profiles, identifying potential leads, reaching out with personalized messages that will interest them in your products or services, etc.

The goal here is to seamlessly guide prospects from the beginning stages through buying cycle so that you can close deals as quickly as possible while keeping costs low. Automation can do all of that at a much faster speed than humans. Take the example of chatbots.

Chatbots can give the correct information to prospects when needed, making the experience better. This can help increase your sales. According to an article published on the Business Insider website, consumer spending through chatbots will reach $142 billion by 2024. Thus by automating lead generation and nurturing processes, you can make a lot of sales through workplace automation.

Brings Transparency to Lead Generation

At the core, intelligence workplace automation can provide transparency. This enables you to improve your sales cycle, customer service, marketing, product development, and more.

Imagine having a system that automatically updates the information on customers who have been entered into the system. You can then use this data to improve sales by following up with those leads who haven’t yet responded to their initial outreach attempts.

Additionally, you can use intelligence workplace automation software to help you manage your marketing efforts more efficiently. It will help automate tasks such as sending out automated emails and allow you to reach out directly via phone calls to further increase engagement with potential buyers or customers.

How to Implement Workplace Automation

Implementing workplace automation is a big step for any organization, but it’s not as complicated as you might think. Once you’ve started using intelligence-enabled technology, the next step is choosing which system will give your company the boost it needs. That’s where we come in. We’ll walk through how we can help with the following:

  • Sales cycle management and forecasting
  • Marketing automation and lead generation
  • Customer service support and live chat functionality

No matter what type of business you run or how many employees are on staff, there’s a way for us to enhance productivity for everyone involved.


In conclusion, workplace automation is a great tool to help streamline sales and marketing processes. It can help companies provide better customer experiences and boost their sales pipeline management. At the end of the day, your company’s sales cycle will be more streamlined, efficient, and productive thanks to AI-powered software.

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