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Are You Inspired To Swap One Word?
Blog / Sales Management / Aug 12, 2021 / Posted by Elinor Stutz / 1510

Are You Inspired To Swap One Word?


Upon attending the first business event, I began to wonder what I was doing there long ago. The speaker suggested that we only move forward with what complements our feeling of purpose and passion. At the time, I was so business-driven, I thought that was nonsense. But we all make errors, and if willing, we can change our ways, habits, and outcomes. Similar to technology evolving, we do the same should we be inclined.

The announcement of and training for social media usage changed my direction and thought for the better. It combined my love of travel with the ability to connect with people globally. Moreover, I could research the individuals I want to communicate with within varying industries and disciplines, no matter their location. My journey of inspiration and learning was well on it’s way.

Slowly but surely, I changed significantly to the point where people in my earlier life might not recognize me. The difference is in my quest to change one word. Should we continue to embrace the word, little change in society will occur. But if we can influence more people to get on board with swapping one word for another, and making the replacement in the dictionary, then I believe society stands a better chance as a whole.

Over time, I continue to seek out those from whom I can learn and those who give inklings of inspiration and hope to others. I connect with those who attempt to do good in the world and encourage others to do the same. An excellent example is my becoming active with the organization Inclusion Allies Coalition upon being asked. They dedicate themselves to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Why would I devote time to grow their cause?

As a female in the corporate sales arena, I did not experience much diversity, and it was a far cry from equity. And sadly, the men didn’t know how to spell the word inclusion. I realized then that the first step is to change the one word in mind!

Being stubborn can be a gift. It takes dedication and willingness to continue down a road for which we have passion and feel the purpose. Accordingly, I fortuitously connected with Dennis Pitocco, BizCatalyst 360, on LinkedIn to learn from the motivation and inspiration he provides.

He hosted the Inspirational event, The Bucketfest 360. It was filmed, produced, and uploaded to YourTube for you to watch at your convenience and take in the words of wisdom for potential change.

“Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”

 —Pema Chodron

Let’s Choose Humanity

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” —Albert Einstein

Connecting with like minds, the phrase Pitocco uses is ‘Let’s Choose Humanity.’ And you may be wondering what the one single word Stutz wants to change in the dictionary is?

“I would like to change one word in the dictionary:

 Replace ‘Mankind’ with ‘Humankind.”

 We each have our goals and dreams to achieve. But when we are respectful and encourage one another to continue, attainment happens exponentially. Better yet, those involved and helpful with one another see gains. It’s almost as if a magic wand waives over those striving to help one another as business and goodwill lift off. More people can and will succeed.

The underlying benefit is that by experiencing humanity and learning from one another, we can all work together to improve the social environment, economy, and planet, too.

The first step is to replace the one word with ‘humanity’ and then concentrate on the effort it takes to turn things around for the benefit of many.

Sales Tips: Are You Ready To Change One Word?

  1. Replace the word Mankind with Humankind.
  2. Practice being kind to all humans as a daily habit.
  3. Remove any notion of superiority over anyone.
  4. Be willing to learn from every event, situation, and person.
  5. Upon reading the news, determine how you may contribute to improving our environment.
  6. Be ready to stand up for those treated as inferior.
  7. Contribute to organizations that are taking a stand for equality for all.
  8. Advocate for humanity.
  9. Practice the art of kindness and influence others to do the same.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!

About Author

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. First, she proved Women Can Sell. Smooth Sale was created to teach how to earn a returning and referring clientele. Stutz became an International Best-Selling Author, a Top 1% Influencer, and Sales Guru and Inspirational Speaker.

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Written by a highly successful saleswoman, Elinor Stutz, this how-to book trains women in field-tested sales techniques that will launch them into the next level of success. They will discover how to use their natural kindness, empathy, and relationship-building skills to close better deals with…
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