Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity
🎧  Navigating the Complexities of Procurement
Podcast Sales Processes / PodCast / Sep 10, 2024 / Posted by Mike Lander / 26

🎧 Navigating the Complexities of Procurement


In this episode, John Golden talks with Mike Lander about how salespeople can effectively engage with procurement professionals. Mike dispels common misconceptions about procurement and offers actionable strategies to build better relationships, involve procurement early, and adopt a consultative selling approach.

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About Author

Mike Lander, a successful procurement director, entrepreneur, and master negotiator who defied the odds and proved that hard work and dedication can lead to success. From being told he wasn't "bright enough" at 16 to raising over £6.5 million of acquisition growth capital.


About Author

Mike Lander, a successful procurement director, entrepreneur, and master negotiator who defied the odds and proved that hard work and dedication can lead to success. From being told he wasn't "bright enough" at 16 to raising over £6.5 million of acquisition growth capital.

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