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Avoid Exploiting Others
Blog / Personal Development / Oct 1, 2020 / Posted by Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D. / 3416

Avoid Exploiting Others


Several conflicts arise in society due to various reasons. One of the causes of conflict is when people exploit others’ weaknesses instead of helping them. Some people take undue advantage out of others’ adversities thus causing further hardships and agony. Although everyone knows that it is wrong to take advantage when others are in problems, people still resort to such activities. This article addresses the individuals who exploit others’ weaknesses and offers a cautious message to the exploiters and manipulators.

Life is a Circus

Life is a circus with ups and downs. We have friends and relatives to share our sorrows and happiness. What happens when one of your friends or relatives exploit your weaknesses when you are in deep distress. What happens when the person you trust lets you down? It is difficult to digest and cope up with the situation indeed! It causes further stress and lands people in depression leading to suicides. Additionally, problems come in battalions. When your time is bad all problems come at a time. When you intend to handle one problem, other problems crops up simultaneously. In this scenario, instead of surrendering you must learn to fight against the odds. Remember the slogan ‘when the going gets tough, tough gets going’.  Hence, the best within you will come up when you are forced to the corner. You tend to think from multiple perspectives to overcome the challenges. You unlock your potential. Finally, the real leader within you emerges. Here are some tools to deal with being exploited by others:

  • Don’t trust others blindly.
  • Don’t reveal all your weaknesses to others.
  • Don’t get dejected.
  • Be confident.
  • Be mentally prepared to encounter unforeseen challenges.
  • Be assertive. Raise your voice against irregularities.
  • Don’t indulge in self-blame and self-pity.
  • Don’t brood over the problems. Explore solutions to resolve them.

Remember, luck comes with interest while bad luck comes with a bonus. But don’t lose your heart. Be brave to face the challenges squarely.

Caution to Exploiters and Manipulators

Don’t be overambitious. Don’t be an egotist. Don’t be narcissistic. Don’t be selfish. On the other hand, be compassionate. Don’t be a “jerk” but be an “altruist.”  Be others-centered, not self-centered. Remember, neither success nor failure is permanent. You may be in a strong position today but tomorrow you may be in a weak position. Remember, every dog has its own day. Hence, think of the pros and cons before exploiting others. Don’t let the negative thoughts enter your mind. Fill your mind with positive thoughts to get energized.

At times, the exploiters and manipulators think that they are smart enough to cheat and exploit others. They must know the slogan, ‘although the righteous person falls ten times, s/he rises, but the wicked person never falls twice’. If they still resort to exploitation and manipulation, it means their days are numbered.

Exploitation is Unavoidable

Exploitation is everywhere in the world. As long as individuals with negative attitudes live, the exploitation exists. Remember, exploitation is unavoidable. You must take your own precautions from exploiters and manipulators to lead a happy and exciting life.

Don’t suffer silently with exploitation. Face with confidence. Fight for your rights. It is your life and you must make your call based on your convictions.  Remember, there are no permanent friends and enemies in life. Life is all about rapidly changing equations. Learn to face the challenges squarely. Fight to the finish. Take your battle to its logical end.


Empathy is key to resolving several conflicts globally.  Being ambitious and confident are signs of good health but being overambitious and overconfident are signs of ill health. In fact, overambition and overconfidence are the worst enemies of individuals. Hence, people must understand the difference and adopt the right means and methods to gain acceptance in society to grow as healthy leaders.  To conclude, it is not ‘might is right’ but ‘right is right’ is right.

About Author

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D. is the Father of “Soft Leadership” and the Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India. He is an International Leadership Guru with forty-three years of experience and the author of fifty-two books, including the award-winning." See the Light in You". He has published over 300 papers and articles in prestigious international publications, including Leader to Leader, Thunderbird International Business Review, Strategic HR Review, Development and Learning in Organizations, Industrial and Commercial Training, On the Horizon, and Entrepreneur magazine. He is a soldier, entrepreneur, editor, educator, author, enlightener, and philosopher. He is a C-Suite advisor and global keynote speaker. He brings a strategic eye and long-range vision, given his multifaceted professional experience, including military, teaching, training, research, consultancy, and philosophy. He is passionate about serving and making a difference in the lives of others. He trains a new generation of leaders through leadership education and publications. His vision is to build one million students as global leaders by 2030. He advocates gender equality globally (#HeForShe). He invests his time in authoring books and blogging on executive education, learning, and leadership. Most of his work is available free of charge on his four blogs, including.

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