Service-based businesses face a variety of unique challenges when trying to attract clients. Businesses that provide a service, instead of a product, are organizations that sell knowledge, skills and whatever is between their ears. Be Clear on the Ideal Client: Many businesses don’t have a real, clear definition of their ideal client. People assume that ...
As an entrepreneur, you want your brand or products to be a household name among your customers. Well, getting to this point isn’t easy. It requires you to invest in a creative brand awareness campaign. That way you can expand your reach and grow your business. Creative campaigns include both online and offline strategies to ...
Restaurant owners face a plethora of challenges. Widely known as having one of the highest failure rates in business, restaurants can be difficult to sustain over long periods of time. A variety of otherwise innocent mistakes can inevitably compound, costing owners their investments and dreams. Whether the restaurant is newly established or a long-standing local ...
A highly successful sales culture doesn’t rely on textbook principles and academic methods to shape the future of their organization. Rather it relies on creating an environment that can adapt to the realities of unpredictability and chaotic change. So when it comes to issues like setting strategic direction, they are more likely to shy away ...
Sales reps head into a new year with goals. Often those goals are all about money. But what about attitude? I will be the first to admit it when I miss my own personal targets, I am not always positive. This past year has been a rough one professionally. Missed numbers. A start-up not being ...
The average person sees around 5,000 advertisements a day. Whether it’s online, on a billboard, on the radio, or on television, we’re inundated with marketing techniques from the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep. People have adapted. You probably don’t feel like you see 5,000 advertisements a day because you’ve learned ...
Sales isn’t for the faint of heart. If it were easy everyone would do it. To truly excel you need to listen, ask direct questions and be diligent in your follow up. When a hot prospect goes dark or you need to hit quota, this is the time to be shameless. I don’t mean to ...
The online world is filled with an endless variety of businesses all trying to sell their products or services on their websites. The way to be successful is to find a way to stand out from the crowd. You can do this by figuring out what other companies are not offering their customers and offering ...
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