For anyone who wants to achieve greatness, looking at how the experts do it is a sure way to achieve success. If I wanted to become a world-class boxer, I might study Muhammad Ali’s or Rocky Marciano’s boxing techniques. If I wanted to become a great actor, I’d watch every one of Morgan Freeman’s and ...
What would you think about being given the recipe for increasing brand awareness, attracting new clients, and increasing your sales? The One Funnel Away Challenge helps you have everything you need to build, create, launch, and run profitable sales funnels in only 30 days. If your business is stuck and you’re not sure why the ...
You’ve been hearing “Content is King!” for years, but what does that mean? How can content, and content marketing, help you grow your business? Does it apply to B2B, or only to consumer products? Content marketing is effective in all industries. When you master the strategies of content marketing, you draw new customers to you, ...
If there’s one thing that holds true about marketing, it’s that it evolves with the times. More than any other industry, marketing requires a strategy that is constantly changing and adapting to current conditions. It’s all about staying ahead of the curve, and campaigns that fall behind often find themselves struggling to reach success. However, ...
When it comes to sales enablement, the importance of mobile devices cannot be overestimated. Today mobile and tablet devices outnumber desktop devices by a factor of 13 percent worldwide according to one source (note that iOS and Android applications are also immediately usable on tablets—it is the same technology). We know from our own experience ...
What is Marketing? Most people don’t really understand the difference between marketing and advertising. By default, people assume that they’re one and the same, but the reality is that advertising is just one piece or one component of your marketing. For people to be effective at marketing, they first have to understand what truly encompasses ...
Taking Care of the Customer The Nordstrom proposition is deceivingly simple. The proposition is: take care of the customer. It doesn’t sound so unique, does it? Many companies probably say that they aim to take care of their customer. But all too often, it’s just lip service, or it’s not executed at every level. Nordstrom ...
Predicting the trends of anything can be problematic. In fact, I believe that the future cannot be predicted with any kind of accuracy. Just look at the situation in which we find ourselves today—who could have predicted this pandemic and its effect? We have no idea where we’re going, as we know all too well ...
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