As an employee, you might come across many situations where you’ll be required to provide proof of income. After all, you’re employed, right? Producing a copy of your pay stub might be the easiest way to prove your income. But things will not always go as planned, considering not all companies provide pay stubs to ...
As we continue our series on “win together,” let’s take a look at the fact that a major characteristic of winning together is the overcoming of one particular fear: the fear of transparency. Some employees fear that if they and their functions are fully transparent, they will be “seen for who they are” and easily ...
While you’ll certainly want to monitor how many website visitors you get each month, perhaps a more important metric is your conversion rate, as this will show you whether those visitors are actually becoming customers. You want to keep the number of people leaving your website without spending money with you as low as possible. ...
Color has long been a vital part of marketing. It appeals to people both aesthetically and psychologically and has been proven to influence customers’ buying decisions. Companies even pay to study the effects of different colors on consumers and audiences. This helps them make decisions about packaging, marketing, and even website and interior design. Choosing ...
Do you know when the first email marketing mail was sent? It was in 1978, and it resulted in a whopping $13 million in sales. So what was there in the mail that made such a passive income? Are you also interested to know more about email marketing? Stay hooked with us to get a ...
Creating a flyer that works is not just about how unique the artwork is. Yes, that’s the part that catches the audience’s attention. However, an effective flyer is more than just visual prowess. It’s also about the copy placement, image-to-text harmony, the font you’re using, and even the flow of the content’s sentence breaks. That’s ...
It takes time, money, and effort to bring people to your website. Once they’re there, they might read some of your content, review your products – and maybe even load up a shopping cart. But what happens when they leave? Without a strategy in place, this is basically a lost opportunity. But with retargeting, you’ll ...
Online shopping has dramatically changed the way that the world operates with many people opting to relax in the comfort of their homes while scrolling through a catalog of thousands of items. While online shopping has presented a serious convenience factor, much like an online casino, where you’ll no longer need to wait in lines ...
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