If you run a business from your home, you may assume that your home insurance will cover everything, any catastrophic issues your property could encounter. Unfortunately, making an assumption won’t protect you from the realities of life. Getting the right insurance for your home-based business will help you stay in business and continue making sales ...
The good news is that Google ads work. The bad news is that people tend to spend more time while working on Google ads. Understandably, Google ads has always been a platform that every small business owner can approach and utilize it to their advantage. But it can sometimes be really overwhelming. Further, Google ads ...
Although your homepage is, in many cases, responsible for influencing your prospects’ first impressions of your business, it’s by no means the most important web page on your website. Its main purpose is to introduce your company, products, and services. As a matter of fact, it’s like a storefront — a bit crowded and full ...
COVID-19 sent the entire globe reeling, and the uncertainty brought a lot of stress. Many avoid dwelling on memories of shelter-in-place orders because of all the emotions such thoughts stir up. There is so much valuable information we can learn from the height of the pandemic, though. Many industries demonstrated they were learning as they ...
Are you looking to expand your business and enhance your online presence? Creating and publishing videos about your company’s services online is a great place to start. About 72% of customers prefer to learn about a product or service through video. However, as straightforward as this video marketing strategy sounds, creating and uploading video content ...
Still wondering if Facebook marketing is worth your time and money? Consider this: Facebook remains the most active social media platform, with almost 3 billion active users. What does this tell us? More than a quarter of all the people on Earth are active Facebook users, ready to become potential audiences for advertising reach. Building ...
Not every entrepreneur needs a company vehicle or a fleet of cars for their employees to use on the job. However, if you use a vehicle for business, you could get into trouble if you don’t have the right insurance. If you’re unsure, you’ll need to ask yourself the following questions to determine if you ...
Did you ever wonder how users interact with your web pages or mobile app? If you are a developer or e-commerce business owner, this is definitely a matter that keeps you up at night. After all, if users don’t understand your products or don’t find them useful, you don’t have a client base, which means ...
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