Cloud computing technology is bringing about a whole new business CRM paradigm. Steel and glass buildings, oppressive cubicles, office politics and traffic jams are being replaced with reporting to work over the web, virtual companies with staff scattered throughout the world, and individual freedom to contribute and create as never before. Such an environment could never ...
Throughout history, there have always been visions of the future. Jules Verne showed us submarines and flying machines long before they came about. Gene Roddenberry shared his vision of computers that would greatly assist in every aspect of an organization and even fully run some of them—and this has come to pass. Isaac Asimov described ...
Sales management-sales force relationship is changing. Why? As covered in recent articles, the military-style corporate structure so prominent after World War II is finally starting to fade away. Where previously it was only the leaders that made decisions and passed them down the line as orders, now everyone, from the Vice President down to the ...
In his excellent book Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, author, professor and economic consultant Raj Sisodia points out the fact that the traditional business model was originally based in military structure. In a military organization, it is only the leaders that make the decisions; the generals call the strategy and tactics to ...
Throughout history, the importance of an education has always been stressed. The general agreement is the better one’s education, the better one’s prospects. In the last couple of decades this adage seems to have lost some of its weight. The percentage of college graduates not gaining employment in their chosen fields has never been higher, ...
In our series on sales force learning, we’ve discussed a number of factors that are highly important to address, including their communication and social skills. With these in place, we must turn our attention outward: to the customer. And while it is important for the sales rep to learn all he or she can about the ...
Traditional CRM solution has an increasingly mounting number of drawbacks, including length of time for training, implementation runway, cost of administration and lack of user benefit among others. Especially with established brands, these issues have long been taken for granted—“part of the program.” But there is a new paradigm with relation to CRM, and that new ...
A growing number of salespeople and sales management executives agree: The traditional CRM solution model doesn’t cut it anymore. A new generation of CRM solutions has appeared on the market that signal a new paradigm in CRM (Customer Relationship Management)—a new trend that weighs heavily on the side of empowerment as opposed to time-consuming administration ...
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