Cutting costs is likely to become a necessity when running your own business, allowing you to spend less on the necessary regular business expenses and freeing up more funds to invest in company development and growth. However, just like your necessary personal expenses, it can often seem like there’s little choice but to pay those ...
A Leadership Development Plan (LDP) is an integral part of leadership development. Leadership development involves leadership skills enhancement to aspiring and potential leaders. The detailed, systematic, and flexible plan sets and tracks your professional and career advancement towards higher leadership roles. Importance of LDP in Career Advancement A Leadership Development Plan leads to heightened total ...
I’ve always been an avid reader of selling books and today, electronic media has dramatically increased our ability to stay sharp through books, posts, blogs, and the like. No excuse for being uninformed. But truthfully, my most impactful sales knowledge has come from real experiences, real colleagues, and real clients. Hold that thought and ponder ...
Do you want to maximize the profit potential of your Florida-based business? If so, it’s crucial that you protect your company finances at all costs. You’re never going to make a sustainable amount of money if you carry on wasting the cash that you do earn, which is why you must go above and beyond ...
In the first quarter of this year, we added some incredible new features for Pipeliner CRM. Our motivation is simply to prepare companies to survive and succeed in the next years to come because we know that in the near future there will be incredible challenges for organizations. The digital transformation, now upon us, is ...
Prospecting often makes businesspeople break out in a cold sweat. It has been harder than ever in recent years to get referrals and prospects to potential customers. In order to successfully prospect to clients, salespeople and sales managers have to learn new techniques and new tactics in order to grab the attention of consumers and ...
Happy New Year; now let’s get to work…working on the right things. Good Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are useful management metrics, but great KPIs drive elite behaviors. In Radical Value, I observe that every company exists only to deliver more value to customers than it costs to produce. So, do your KPIs reflect value’s importance? I find that few do. Customer satisfaction ...
Pipeliner CRM, with its constantly innovated and evolving new features, greatly assists salespeople, sales managers, and other roles in the company as they make their way into the future. As we move forward, it becomes increasingly important how users spend their time, because their time becomes ever more valuable. Pipeliner is like no other CRM ...
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