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Do You Test Novel Ideas for Advancement?
Blog / Marketing / Oct 5, 2023 / Posted by Elinor Stutz / 49

Do You Test Novel Ideas for Advancement?


Repeatedly using the same strategies because they are easy and work for now will never contribute to advancements. The better approach is to ask ourselves, ‘How long will it continue to work – or is something better awaiting our desire?

Today, two common themes in articles are that employees prefer hybrid work versus obeying a mandate to be in the office and that self-care plus meditation empowers our mind, body, and spirit to do our best. And one add-on to the latter is finding the right balance between work, meditation or exercise, and creative projects.

But realize we are each unique, including our preferences, and should adhere to it as it’s the path to commitment. Reflect on your unspoken desires during your quiet time to realize the direction you wish to head.

Taking action to test new ideas differentiates the successful.

At Stake Are:

  1. Coping with boredom vs. making changes.
  2. Creating a suitable plan to apply new ideas to our endeavors.
  3. Taking a calculated risk to advance our goals by implementing the new concept to test.

Entrepreneurs can more easily carve out time to develop a new strategy with possible products included and take them to market. In contrast, an employee needing to meet specific requirements requires private time and a concentrated effort.

The only drawback for many is that developing and implementing a new idea requires working alone in a private area for an extended period. Commitment with the willingness to fix the approach is essential.

Welcome Scorn

  1. A new project will likely receive ridicule once announced publicly. However, it’s wise to realize that scornful remarks often contain unspoken hints on how to improve. Don’t let them get you down, but mentally sift through the commentary to recognize a hidden gem proving worthwhile.
  1. One other benefit to people openly dismissing new projects or supporting them is that we realize who to avoid and our potential future collaborators.

You Are On The Right Track When:

  1. Excitement turns into seeking collaboration with trusted others.
  2. You anxiously look forward to working on your side project.
  3. You feel the increase in enthusiasm.

You can position yourself to succeed once you come to terms with the strategies pointing in a better direction and the people supporting you. What matters most is embracing the determination to grow, allowing ideas to blossom, and dedicating oneself to finding the better solution for success to come forth.

Willing to Combine New Ideas

No one has all the answers or all the ideas for a successful outcome. Speaking with trusted others and researching to find a better way to combine new ideas is necessary. It necessitates being willing to collect a wide array of thoughts and seemingly complementary ones to sift through the entire bucket list to unveil the cohesive ones likely to succeed.


Ups and downs associated with attempting to combine new ideas can sometimes be highly discouraging. For this reason, giving yourself a pep talk is vital to continue forth. However, admit to the bumps in the road to smooth issues out and more easily advance.

Flexibility and a positive mindset become another force for finding better strategies and succeeding. One last step is to share what works well for you and the lessons learned in your journey to assist and encourage those following in your footsteps. It becomes a boomerang effect when loyal fans voluntarily promote your work.

In Conclusion: Willing to Combine New Ideas

The differentiator for those more likely to succeed is being willing to take an occasional calculated risk.

For More Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Communicate to Attract Interest

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower“

Related Blog Stories:

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Sales Tips Willing to Combine New Ideas

  1. Revisit your ultimate vision every evening.
  2. Reflect on your starting point and where you are today.
  3. Review essential lessons learned along the journey.
  4. Capture what you must do tomorrow, next week, etc.
  5. Set appropriate short-term and long-term goals.
  6. Upon seeing the success of your first effort, continue adding elements for a more robust delivery.
  7. Always review current approaches to revise for the modern ones.
  8. Find collaborative partners with complementary efforts to expand your branding effort.
  9. Accept new opportunities that fit within your goals and timeframe.
  10. Celebrate Success!
About Author

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. First, she proved Women Can Sell. Smooth Sale was created to teach how to earn a returning and referring clientele. Stutz became an International Best-Selling Author, a Top 1% Influencer, and Sales Guru and Inspirational Speaker.

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