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Teamwork as the Best Tool for Your Successful Business
Blog / Leadership / Sep 11, 2017 / Posted by Tom Jager / 7886

Teamwork as the Best Tool for Your Successful Business


Teamwork is something many people try to avoid in the workplace because they prefer to work alone. However, a team needs to be built because working alone has a number of significant disadvantages, like limited opportunity to learn and lack of feedback.

If you’re about to start a company or your existing business needs to increase effectiveness, you will find some useful information in this article. We are going to discuss why teamwork is important for the success of your business.
Before we actually begin discussing the advantages of teamwork, let’s define what it means. First and foremost, teamwork does not mean that every member of the team is doing the same thing. Neither does it mean that everybody should be able to perform each other’s responsibilities.

The true definition of teamwork states that it is a synergistic way of working, where the mutual goal is more important than personal. When properly managed, it works to maximize the strengths of each member and compliment them with strengths of others. 

Now, let’s now move on to the benefits it can have for your business. They include enhanced communication, emotional support, learning experience, improved idea generation process, and increased efficiency.

#1. Increased Efficiency

As it was mentioned above, mutual goals are much more important in a team because there is no “I.” When working in a team every member needs to work towards common goals and prioritize them over personal ones. This process becomes more efficient because there are more people to work on an issue and solve it.
By having more people working on a common goal, the projects are done faster and more efficiently. Two heads are better than one, right?

#2. Enhanced Communication

One of the most powerful features of a business team is open communication that facilitates effectiveness. For example, the members gather to actively discuss the issue, collaborate on activities, share information, discover new ways of thinking, and, eventually, learn from each other.
To facilitate communication with a team, a leader should be attentive and apply specific techniques. For example, not letting everyone to speak on an issue could decrease the quality of decisions while compliments always work great to encourage participation.

Here are more tips for communication in teams from Azendoo.

#3. Emotional Support

Another critical characteristic of effective teams is emotional support. Let’s be honest, work can be very difficult at times, so having someone supporting you is very comforting and helps to overcome challenges. It is a known fact that emotional support is an effective tool to battle anxiety, depression, and stress, so that’s why teams are created.

The support can be provided in various ways. For example, you can check how your colleague is doing on a difficult essay project and offer some essay tips you know or hiring Custom Essay Meister. Also, you can choose not to be overly harsh when criticizing a poor work and offer some advice instead.

Many entrepreneurs choose small teams of friends to ensure that emotional support is guaranteed. For example, Sir Richard Branson had this to say:

“What matters is working with a few close friends, people you respect, knowing that if times did turn bad these people would hold together.”

#4. Learning Experience

Every member of a team has unique abilities, qualities, and experience. When different professionals are brought together, they have an excellent opportunity to learn from each other. It is quite possible that an experience of another person will help to grow their own skills and become more satisfied with the job. For example, a recent study in the Workplace Learning Journal discovered “a statistically significant relationship between the workplace learning variables and the job satisfaction variables.”

Also, as the result of knowledge sharing, the confidence of members in other professional areas increases.

#5. Idea Generation

The ability to brainstorm new ideas is one of the most important characteristics of successful teams. If your business needs quick ideas and effective methods to solve emerging issues, you have to have a team. For example, working alone means having a direct responsibility for new ideas and decisions, so often people choose to turn to safer options. Generally, these options are not the best.
On the other hand, team members feel more confident in presenting unique and creative suggestions. As the result, the quality of a brainstorming process as well as ideas is much higher.

To generate more ideas, Lisa McQuerrey from Inc. recommends conducting regular brainstorming sessions, create autonomy for team members to increase motivation, and reward them nicely when they come up with a great idea.

The Bottom Line

The benefits of teams for businesses are significant. Understanding the potential of teamwork and implementing it in your company can give you a competitive advantage and advance your business. Do not treat teamwork as a novel concept and take all steps needed to create an environment in which employees can work freely and effectively.

How have you effectively implemented teamwork in your company? Leave a comment and let us know.

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About Author

Tom Jager is professional blogger. He works at A-writer. He has degree in Law and English literature. Tom has written numerous articles/online journals. You can reach him at G+ or Facebook.


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