Sales POP - Purveyors of Propserity

Simon Hazeldine

Simon Hazeldine works internationally as a professional speaker and consultant in the areas of sales and negotiation. He has spoken in over thirty countries and his client list includes some of the world’s largest and most successful companies. Simon is the bestselling author of five books that have been endorsed by a host of business leaders.

Author's Publications on Amazon

This book is packed with practical techniques and proven insights for improving performance.
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This book draws on the most advanced techniques used today by elite negotiators and professional influencers.
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"Neuro-Sell" presents an effective, brain-based approach to selling that is sensitive to what's going on in the customer's mind. "Neuro-Sell" helps readers understand the importance of the unconscious and get below the surface of what people say to recognise what they really mean.
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This book aims to inspire more women, as well as men, to build growth businesses by sharing case studies of nine women entrepreneurs from the UK and North America who have all used different strategies for growth.
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